Garden of memories
SOTRAMEM aims at creating a garden with soil samples of all the places of memories in the world.
What is a place of memories? A place of memories is a place that reminds you of something important that occured in your life. It is as simple as it reads.
The soil samples are gardened so as the seeds and weed they contain grows naturally.They are stored together regularly so that they may cross-pollinate.
The samples are exhibited in SOTRAMEM's office. We hope to get a dedicated space soon.
How can I become part of the Archive?
In order to add your place of memories to the Garden, you only need to take a little bit of soil (about a coffee cup's worth) and send it to us with a one-page description of the place, its location (city, street name...) and the story attached to it.
The stories of each sample are transmitted to the visitor by speech or by audio recordings (Sotramem will contact you to arrange for a recording).
Right to be forgotten
When your place of memories gets registered into the Garden, SOTRAMEM uses (with your authorization) your first name as a title, and allows visitors to contact you in order to talk with you about the place.
If you do not wish to appear nominatively in the Garden, please contact us.